Pamela Roberts Lee Obituary

Pamela Roberts Lee passed away January 20, 2025 at Casa Arena Health Care in Alamogordo, New Mexico. She leaves behind her husband, Matthew Grinberg, her sister, Cheryl Berardi, her daughters, Christine Lee and Nicole Moore, and her grandchildren Walker and Eva Moore.
She was born in Richmond, California on May 30, 1948. Her parents were Thaddeus and Omita Lee. Her family moved to Pleasant Hill, California, then Seattle, Washington and later to Mount Prospect, Illinois. She graduated from Prospect High School in 1966.

She got a BA in Political Science from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa in 1970. Then she got a Juris Doctor degree from Drake in 1973 specializing in Advocacy. From early on Pamela had an interest in the military and in particular the Air Force. After her first law degree, she joined the Air Force. The Air Force sent her to George Washington University in Washington, DC to get her Master of Laws degree in 1979 specializing in Government Contracts.
Her assignments as a Judge Advocate in the Air Force were McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma, Washington, Keflavik Naval Air Station in Iceland, Eglin Air Force Base in Florida and the Pentagon. In 1985 Pamela argued the case United States vs. Albertini before the US Supreme Court and won. The decision allowed military bases to bar criminals from base open house events. In 1985 Pamela left active duty and went into the Air Force Reserves as a Judge Advocate, eventually retiring in 1998 as a Colonel.
After leaving active duty, Pamela went to the Department of Justice as a trial attorney working on environmental cases. She won a case against CEMEX among other companies. For a brief time, between two jobs at the Department of Justice, she was with a private law firm. During that time she was a member of the Virginia Transportation Board representing Northern Virginia.

After retiring from the Department of Justice in 2010, she moved to Alamogordo with her husband, Matthew. Once here she started on the passion of her life – writing the historical novel, “The Darkness at Dawn”. The main character is one of her ancestors, John Lee. John Lee came to New England from England in 1634. He became one of the prominent colonists in Massachusetts and Connecticut. John Lee is also an ancestor of Princes William and Harry of the United Kingdom. After 9 years of research and writing, the book was published to rave reviews in 2019.
In Alamogordo Pam got deeply involved in the local community. She was the President of the local chapter of MOAA (Military Officers Association of America), the Chairman of the Alamogordo Planning and Zoning Commission, a board member of the International Space Hall of Fame, and did a lot of work for St. John’s Episcopal Church. She was the person who worked to bring MainStreet to Alamogordo. She was also the person who started the drive to have the mayor elected in a general election instead of being selected by the City Commissioners.
Outside of work Pamela had several interests. Since being taught by her father as a child, she was an avid golfer. After moving to Alamogordo, she cranked up her game and won the Alamogordo Women’s Golf Championship in 2017 with a two round score of 162.
From when she was in ROTC Pamela was an avid runner. She ran in some marathons and was doing 10 milers as recently as 20 years ago. Even after she stopped racing, she still ran along Scenic Drive for exercise until five years ago.
In the area of sports, Pamela was a great Fortyniners fan from the time she was a child living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She went to many Fortyniners games with Matthew after retiring. She also went to three Super Bowls with the Fortyniners, two with her father and one with Matthew.
Another interest from childhood was astronomy. She always had a telescope and loved star gazing. Part of the reason for moving to Alamogordo was to have good skies. With Matthew she joined the Alamogordo Astronomy Club. Pamela and Matthew went to two White Sands Star Parties and three Texas Star Parties in Fort Davis.

For about 10 years she was an avid chess player and played in tournaments in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, DC, Illinois and New Mexico. She won the Upset Prize at the 2002 US Open Chess Championship, round 1, Thomas Levine (1954), Pam (1016). With the rating difference Pam would be expected to win about 1 game in 200 against Thomas.

Pamela also loved to travel and with Matthew took trips to Italy, Australia, England, Wales, Scotland, France and Belgium.
Favorite quotes
“Persistence will always overcome doubt.” Pamela Lee
“Dreams must never be destroyed by details.” Pamela Lee
“It is part of the American character to consider nothing as desperate.” Thomas Jefferson
Pamela is “visiting” her relatives at Buckingham Palace, London, England, 2009-08-18.
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